Meet En Dru.
Angsana's ABC
who is also Chooi Li's sweetheart. ;)
being randomly bored today,
we decided to capture something for our beloved Wai Kar.
we all know how "madly" she is over *ahem*
we decided this is the best we could do for her.
something very similar.....
which she can keep and drool over 24/7.
Dru After his makeover withAnthea's hairband!
ps: doesn't he look exactly like *ahem* here.
Duh they're twins. :)
Wai Kar.
you better apreaciate what your gf's have done for you. ;)
giving you the best shot of him. (well something similar)
So frame this pic up
and if you're crazy enough
*quote Jason*
enlarge the pic
and place it on your pillowcase, your bedsheets and blanket. makes a pretty good design!!
on a random account....
i guess WK is living up to her famous quote of
It's right for a girl to
have random partners and have random sex at any time. :)
she needs a mountain load of counselling...
you just have to love me for this!!
Elaine!!!!! *....* is so fcu...g HOT*
Sweetest Memories of WK with her other Heartthrob
For those of you
who don't know WK
she's the BEST GF
anyone could ask for.
and with that famous quote of hers
well she's far from being a Playmate.
she's fierce and she Bites! :)
I dedicate my 100'th post to my GF Wai Kar! :)
love ya loads woman!