Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's been a long whileee since I've actually done some serious blogging.
I guess it's time I start to update.

5 November 2008

The day I officially ended High School! :)
gone are the days where i have to
wake up at unearthly hours,
wear that blue pinafore
wash my school shoes
tie and pin up my hair
making sure my nails are cut
running away from prefects!!!!!!!!!!
(i always escape from them some way or the other)

singing Negaraku, Selangor song, school song..yadadadadaaaa.....

it's like a big part of me seems to be missing.
but that's life, we just have to move on. :)

High school may be over, but the memories we share will always be a part of us.

angsana 07/08 girls

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