Thursday, January 21, 2010

White Flag Red Flag?

you said you wanted me to move on and be happy

and to my pursue my own happiness.

In the quest of that you said that you will always be there to support me and be my side.

so why is it now that AGAIN and AGAIN you are always there standing there as an obstruction, a barrier

one that you know I can never go over no matter how and what I do.

I dont understand how we all got tangled in this mess but all I know

is I want a way out but we're so deep into the maze and when I think I have found the way out

you make the ending so much more complicated.

it's REAL BAD to know that the one hurting me now is YOU.

what is it that you want? I cant seem to figure you out anymore.

I try so HARD to put it aside but I cant because its you and me in this game now.

I just wish that there is some kind of explanation to this and this is not for real.

I'm trying so HARD just to act normal in front of you like nothing has happen or nothing is happening but I think soon I cant do this anymore.

we do everything together but this time the boat is too small for both of us

it's either one of us have to leave or we'll both end up in a sunken boat.

forgive me if I dissapoint you one day.

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