Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life in the passing

School life has officially started to fet going round in my head. Being the last year of my school life and high school life. I pleedged to make the best out of it. Since we're still in school we fret and complaind and grumble about all the stupid things that we have to abide by in our lifes. But i can bet and be very sure that the moment we step out of school at the end of this year all of us will yearning to step back and go on with school life....Guess that's how the world goes...

eveyday seems just so hectic this days. If it's not for homework it's beacuse of tution. If not that, It's koko and everything. Can one's life get any more stressful than this. Probably we all should stop grumbling and to qoute Rev. Ricky Ho. "Those who grumble and fret about everything are actually serving in THE MINISTRY OF MISERY." Thats something I won't wanna do.

So I guess for now, I'm stuck with school!

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