Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today in the fast moving world, it's hard to keep up with friends let alone meet up.

Today is a very SPECIAL DAY. =)
Finally after ages of saying and talking, Charlene and I finally went out. LOL.

Charlene Teoh. ahha. we go way back. from being kindergarden mates to primary school mates to secondary and now college, well technically although she's in Hartamas. haha.

Pretty funny how life goes about. =D
Finally, we made a deal and we met up. it's been ages since we last hanged out. BOO. Watched I LOVE U, MAN. BLOODY GAY show. ok, so it was my fault that we were sitting there watching that show since I was the one who wanted to watch it.

During that 2 hours, we were like WTH all the way. Lesson learnt, never get a DORK BF! haha, they cause you misery. Some said that the GUYS would have understood the show, but hey, we walked out with "extra knowledge". teehee, Char I wasn't even corrupted by 1% after that show. my mind is still as "CLEAN" ahha.
emmm, we had lunch at Esquire Kitchen! haha. been a long time since I ate there, the last time was HIGH SCHOOL days. hhaa. =D

HAHA. normally, when I shop with friends, it will be me doing most of the buying but ahhaaaaaaaaa, I managed to make Charlene buy things and keep my wallet stuck in my bag. haha. and boy she was MAD that i didnt get anything. haha. BOO Char!

Time flies when you are having a GOOD TIME. whooo. Better believe this, today on the 2nd June 2009, I finally had my FIRST STARBUCKS for the YEAR. HAHA. can you beat the temptation when it's just right opposite my campus. =/

We talked about OLD TIMES. The BU3 days. and we did have a good laugh at those times. Priceless memories. and LOL, she remembered all that had happened including what had happened in the Locker Room. ahha. LOL. that's our little secret. BLEH.
and the BEST MEMORY was, in std.6 we had stupid ART exam, haha I couldn't draw for nuts so she helped me paint some stupid poster out and taddaaaa, I got an A while she got a B! hahaha.

our drink. =) chocolate chip cream.





I never knew and remembered I once said that Jerk was SWEET. EWWWWWWWWWWW

oh and haha, i like what i saw in the cinema.

zheng yi and her ahem. :)

going to work my 6 sense now. HAHA.

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