Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So Long

Friends are abundant,
They are the ones that you can smile, joke and laugh with.


True friends are ones
that stick by you through thick and thin, cry with you, smile with you and walk through every step with you.

I use to be very naive, easily trusting the friends whom i thought were my "true friends"
It took a rather simple occasion to prove to me that
those whom you think are your true friends, are not so true after all.
I found out that, I just couldn't trust them anymore the way I use too.

Words that are being mentioned infront are being passed behind to the next person.
When we're together, it doesnt seem like you're great company anymore.
you seem to be more interested in where the lime light falls.
You seem to be a mere illusion to me now.

Yes, it has been painfull to realise that maybe you're not the kind of friend I need in my life anymore.
You seem to be chasing the world rather than to look at reality.

Maybe it's you, maybe it's me.
but one thing I know for sure is
i'm never going to trust you ever again.

It'll shock the world if i choose to say who you are, because
no one would ever imagine this.

I think, we should start keeping a distance from each other now
as it seems that we don't get along as well as we use too.

Thanks for the memories and the fun times we had together,
I'll always remember those times.

and thanks for allowing me to see your inner self.

So from now on, the story line is as simple as ABC, keeping to yourself is the best because you can't seem to trust anyone anymore.

I know I've changed
I'll never be that same girl ever again.

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