Sunday, May 18, 2008

Heavenly Suntan

one more week down. and it's OvEr~!!!
gone are the days where I had to crack my head and stuff all sorts of info into it. bio..chem...add maths..sej...etc. well not are completed yet but, hey. the hard one's are finished!

friday was utter bliss. no worries about exams or whatever so for that day. :)

went to tropicana library and nerd and yes. there was helluva of DRAMA going on.
make things short and simple.

ana & I did the best thing ever done. we studied by the poolside with the oh so ever hot sun blazing on us. ppl though we were crazy but i guess we weren't.

main reason we were at the poolside and not at the lib. We both know and God knows.

we start the trends and we're not ppl who follows after ppl's footsteps. We set ours first. We're leaders. :)

I'm so tired. I'm fighting to keep my eyes open!!!! went swimming just now and I'm dead tired.

pfft. need to get back to nerding. moral awaits.

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