Monday, April 21, 2008

Of Sore Throats and Swollen Tonsils

I have it all. My throat is killing me. My tonsils are red and burning like they're on FIRE. ouch.

The main cause?
I talked and laughed too much yesterday. Period.
Anabel salutes me! :)

I guess when you have not seen someone for like 3 months but it felt like 3 years you just can't stop gabbing non-stop. haha. I gabbed non stop in the morning till evening. Then at night, my girlfriend whom I've not spoken to for like a month called and we gabbed till our batteries went flat.

Had some really good heart-to-heart talks yesterday. Thanks babes! :)

In short, I laughed till my sides hurt. I gabbed till my throat couldn't handle it.

To add up to all. I've got my oral exam tomorrow. talk to me about it....

Seem to be really happy with myself this days. I can finally sit down with the book and really concentrate. Seems like there's a huge improvement. Thank God since exams are like 2 weeks away. hehe

I'm so far away and not even 0.01% being a nerd. I'm just so not a nerd. :)

on a random note.

Was asked to read this passage and was told that I'll learn to appreaciate myself even more.

Proverbs 30:30-31 (NIV)
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

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